Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tomahawk Tuesday: J.J. Redick is rightfully horrified about Donald Trump's presidency

                                          (Credit: YouTube. Click here for source) 

Last week, Los Angeles Clippers sharpshooter J.J. Redick expressed his "horror" about the Donald Trump administration. Below is an excerpt from The Los Angeles Times

“I wasn’t kidding,” Redick said in a later interview. “I’m a voracious reader … and I’ve become sort of obsessed with Trump in the last six months. I don’t really speak about it, not because it’s not my place or I don’t have a voice — I do. But I would say this: There’s been a lot of jokes and side comments from people in the league about [White House Press Secretary] Sean Spicer and alternative facts and all that stuff, but I don’t think any of it is funny.
“I’m actually horrified right now. People who are losing their healthcare, women who are losing their right to decide what to do with their body, that’s not funny to me. So, you can joke about crowd size [at Trump’s inauguration] and all of that B.S., but it’s not funny.”

What J.J. Redick is expressing are the same concerns and fears that millions of Americans have. Those concerns and fears are not unfounded or stemming from "fake news" like Donald Trump wants us to all believe. Those concerns and fears instead stem from the words and actions of a man who appears to be racist, mentally unstable, and arrogant.

I've not hid my views on Donald Trump on here, though I do keep in mind that this site is dedicated to informing NBA fans with quality news and insight. The way in which I try to approach the subject of Donald Trump is from an NBA angle and J.J. Redick expressing his views gives me the perfect vehicle to express my own views on here by responding to his views.

The most significant word that J.J. Redick uses in his comments is "horrified". He's not just in disagreement with Donald Trump's views, he's horrified by them. He sees Trump's positions as morally objectionable on many levels and I too have these same sentiments.

To me, Donald Trump is the most dangerous person to ever take office because of his personality, views, and the era in which he is president. His personality can best be described as "unstable", "erratic", and "illogical". He doesn't use logic and reasoning to back up his claims. Instead, he fabricates stories to paint a picture of a reality that he wants others to believe in. He's the ultimate bullshit artist and what's perhaps even scarier is that he seems to believe his own bullshit.

As for his views, they are simply horrifying. He wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country, he wants to take healthcare away from millions of Americans for no good reason, and he's quicker to defend Vladimir Putin than he is to defend the Constitution of the United States. The era in which he is president is problematic because now more than ever is a time in which we need someone with sound judgment to help us deal with a world that is increasingly becoming more dangerous and complex.

Donald Trump is a dangerous president and J.J. Redick is right to express his views of sheer horror and fear for what Donald Trump may do now that he's in office. The good news is that we live in a country with checks and balances and Donald Trump is only in charge of one of the three branches of government, namely the executive branch. The judiciary and legislative branches are separate from him and have the ability to prevent him from doing a lot of the damage that he wants to do. Let's just hope they do their job and stand up against any crazy or illogical policy that he plans to implement.

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